Sabah Shark Protection Association (SSPA) supports the need to address overfishing issues

30 September 2016, Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Shark Protection Association (SSPA) is in full support of Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun’s recent statement on overfishing, particularly by foreign vessels that are encroaching into Sabah waters. SSPA Chairman Aderick Chong said sharks, rays and turtles are at an increasingly high risk of being wiped out by these foreign boats. “While encroachment by foreign fishing vessels is a major concern in Sabah waters, overfishing is also affecting our fisheries caused by overcapacity, use of non-selective fishing gear and, of course, the high demand of seafood as compared to other sources of protein,” he said. The current state of fisheries in Malaysia is unhealthy, with steadily increasing fishing vessels chasing the same limited marine resources and marine fish stocks are already over-exploited. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 69% of the ocean's commercially targete...