Posted by: Ishahm
Few days ago, when I just got back from a long journey, some friends told me there was a crocodile attack at Balambangan Island. I was not so sure about this news and as always I will be sceptical about the croc stories especially when it comes to Kudat area. I’ve heard stories about crocodile killed man out in the sea and far from the crocodile's ‘wandering area’, but there are no evidence to make my self to believe that croc attack really does happen here, I even asked a police friend few months ago, and he said ‘mana ada kes buaya’. Anyway, the latest incident which happened just last week makes me now believe that those previous attack by crocs were true!
Croc near Kuak Simpul Balambangan Island, Kudat (Photo: Lee Yoke Lee)
Croc kills Filipino off Balambangan
Published on: Saturday, July 25, 2009

Croc skeleton at Uncle Jimmy's place in Balambangan_______________________________
Croc kills Filipino off Balambangan
Published on: Saturday, July 25, 2009

see...benar kan...i hope where we swam was not the area??? :P