Environmental Stewardship Workshop - Berungus
Posted by: Sofia Johari
An hour of walking to Kg Berungus in shallow water during low tide.
Pushing the boat during low tide
JKKK of Kg. Berungus En. Karim Laing showing how to frame the 'Bubu'
Azhar trying out making 'Bubu'
En. Jamili (in Yellow) supervising the participants
Group effort
Me giving talk on turtle biology and hatchery management for eco-tourism

On the 22 - 23 December 2009 WWF-Malaysia (Kudat-Banggi PCA) collaborated with Yayasan Sabah (Zon Pantai Barat Utara) organizing an Environmental Stewardship Workshop at Kg. Berungus, Pitas. The participants are from Kudat District (Kudat Town, Kg. Air, Kg. Tanjung Kapur, & Taman Orkid), Banggi (Karakit Township, Kg. Perpaduan, & Kg. Singgah Mata) and Pitas District (Kg. Berungus & Kg. Telaga). There were 20 youth participants from different family background and level of education. The workshop comprised of two major activities:
1) 'Bubu' Making
2) Turtle Hatchery Management

The major objective of the workshop is to instill stewardship on the environment and natural coastal resources among the youths. This is to build their capacity and prepare them towards the gazettement of the Tun Mustapha Park (TMP) where the community collaboratively with the government agencies will be responsible in managing their own natural coastal resources.

The programme started off with an opening speech by En. Sabrin Sindan (Manager of Yayasan Sabah - Zon Pantai Barat Utara). In his speech he is hoping that after this workshop the youths will be more appreciative of their heritage, culture and their environment. He also stressed that the area is a potential eco-tourism area that can capitalized on the esthetic value of the area, turtle tourism and promotion of sustainable management and harvest of coastal resources.

The 'Bubu' making process was not as easy as it look, the participants spent one whole day to finish one 'Bubu' in groups of three. According to En. Jamili (one of the trainer from Kg. Berungus) said a professional 'Bubu' maker can complete 3 'Bubu' in one day.

The participants and the organizers spent one night camping at Kg. Berungus. Night time was filled with activities. One of the activity was learning how to bring tourists observing nesting turtle and patrolling the Brungus beach area for nesting turtle. Unfortunately there was no turtle landing that night. However participants had a lot of fun patrolling together with Yayasan Sabah and WWF-Malaysia staffs.
The relocation of turtle nest is only done as a last effort to save the eggs. Relocating eggs is very risky and can only be done when nest is in a location likely to be disturbed and destroyed. The Wildlife Department should also be informed prior to the moving of eggs.
A shovel Nose Ray caught in the net during night time

A shovel Nose Ray was caught in the net during the workshop. WWF-Malaysia and Yayasan Sabah decided to release the Ray the next day as a symbol of joint effort by the community, NGO and government department in taking care of the natural resorces of Kg. Berungus.
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