Kick-starting 2012: Call to Ban Fish Bombings In Sabah

As we progressed into mid of 2012, we have been filling our schedules with more activities to continue raising awareness on marine conservation. To kick start the year, we have organised the first ever regional symposium to call against fish bombing activities in Sabah waters in Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu.

The two-day symposium aimed to make recommendations and to build partnerships with regards to anti-fish bombing patrolling mechanisms in Sabah and the wider Coral Triangle area was co-organized by the State Action Committee on Anti-Fish Bombing, Sabah Parks, Marine Conservation Society UK and WWF-Malaysia in Kota Kinabalu. Participants from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Phillipines included representatives from governmental and non-governmental organizations, academicians, community representatives and enforcement agencies.

In the Anti-Fish Bombing Symposium held from 22-23 February, a "Call to Action" was formulated with input from all present and will serve as a reference for future actions in curbing fish bombing in the region.

Participants at the Regional Anti-Fish Bombing Symposium 2012 in Promenade Hotel, KK.© WWF-Malaysia/Gavin Jolis.

Following the symposium, an Anti-Fish Bombing Campaign was held in Dewan Arena Belia, Pitas District to increase public awareness. The event was attended by fishermen, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Daerah Pitas, Pitas District Office, Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agencies (MMEA), PDRM, Navy, Sabah Fisheries Department, Sabah Parks, Sabah Wildlife Department, Jabatan Pelabuhan dan Dermaga Sabah, Jabatan Laut Sabah, Majlis Keselamatan Negara Negeri Sabah, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.

The event addressed important issues and knowledge needed to inform fishermen not to fish bomb. Encik Kamarudin, representating Berungus shared his community’s successful resource management which has resulted in improved coral reefs and resources in their area. Mr. Augustine from Sabah Parks shared the idea of proposed Tun Mustapha.

A video from the Fisheries Department was also shown to inform the fishermen about the fishing industry and a recorded a testimonial from an ex-fish bomber to serve as a warning to fishermen. #  

By: Hui Ling


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