Ecosystem Based Management for Fisheries 1

Posted By: Robecca Jumin How do you make something quite technical like the Ecosystem Based Management for Fisheries (EBMF) interesting and easy to understand? We tried it by combining it with other more practical and interactive training such as SCUBA Diving. The Malaysian Non-Governmental Organization (MENGO) group provided some fund for us to develop training material and conduct training to the commercial fishers of the proposed Tun Mustapha Park (TMP). We conducted the combined training on the 10-14 August 2009, with 5 participants from the Persatuan Pemilik Kapal Nelayan Kudat (PPKNK), and 1 participant from the local community. The combined training tried to merge both theories on EBMF at the same time trained them to be divers. We were hoping that through the diving experience the participants were able to understand and appreciate more what is ecosystem. Learning EBMF in class What is Ecosystem based management? There is a few terms that more or less have similar meaning but ...