Posted by Ishahm

I have never expected that the recent field work would be the best reefcheck ever! I’ve done quite a few of reefcheck survey and as always it was just routine work and nothing much. But this time it’s really different!

Breifing by Dr. Leela upon our arrival in Pulau Mandi Darah
I was surrounded by a wonderful team members and friends. There were cheerful, funny, understanding, and very dependable! I’m really grateful for this and would like thank you all for being my friends and supporters! (as Kamin always said when he is joking, ‘Thank you lah kamu semua!”).

Initially, I had a mix feeling and impression looking at the list of people who are coming for the expedition! I was happy to see familiar faces but at the same time I have this ‘unsure’ feeling towards few people! But my anxiousness faded little by little along the stay at Pulau Mandi Darah and gradually towards the end of the expedition it turns to a fun and joyful stay. Even though our schedule was a bit tight and we have to travel long way to reach our destination, we were always eager to be underwater to explore the world beneath!

Mesmerizing cuttlefish near Mandi Darah Island
Habitat for small and juveniles fish

During the expedition, we’ve been checking and collecting data from 14 sites, and these sites were located scattered within the project area (Malawali-northern most & down to Jambongan-southern most). We have seen various profiles of reefs around Kudat waters. Some sites were fantastic! And of course there are some sites that were not that good and worst there was one site heavily infested by COTs (so sad huh..). Generally those no good sites were damaged by fish blast/bomb and poison (cyanide or locally known as sujum). We should do something now to preserve our heritage despite some people saying there is nothing much to see in Kudat water!

COTs infestation at Fly Rock
Batfish near the transect

But for me (being already been to great dive sites in Semporna including Sipadan & Mabul)Kudat underwater has never disappoint me, I've always enjoyed diving in Kudat (except yg dekat bakau area la). I even saw a Shovel nose shark during one of my dive in Tigabu! Marvelous!

The short joyful stay on the island was not enough, but the ‘contract’ has come to an end and it’s time for us to say goodbye to the people on the island and to the people we just met (sayang nda dapat berkenalan lagi dekat..). But what I really wanted to say here is I’m happy to be in Kudat and I think I am destined to be here. Being in Kudat had also given me the opportunity to make more friends and getting to know the fascinating and intriguing marine and terrestrial life of Kudat, Banggi, Kota Marudu & Pitas. It was such a wonderful experience and it somehow had triggered my will to become a better person!
Photo of Panda team, Sabah Parks & UMS, before departing back to Kudat


  1. Eee, jealous nya. Ah, reminds me of the time we were "shark bait", doing manta tows around Mandi Darah and scary Balambangan (real: jellyfish, threat: crocodile)

  2. Very nice and interesting! Is there also snorkeling good - or only diving?


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