Puppet Show & Exhibition for Children of PPMS Felcra, Banggi
Posted by: Hui Ling

A total of 83 children from PPMS attended the Puppet Show and Exhibition Programme organized by 11 Banggi Youth Club (BYC) members in PPMS Felcra, Batu Layar, Banggi on the 28th May 2011. PPMS, Projek Perumahan Masyarakat Setempat, is a government's initiative aimed to lift targeted families out of poverty and dependence through Agropolitan Project under the responsibility of FELCRA Berhad, Ladang Rakyat, Pulau Banggi.
The objective of this activity is to increase the awareness of PPMS children about the dangers that plastic waste pose to the marine environment, and to gain support from the community for the Green Lifestyle Campaign to be implemented from July to June 2011.
Puppet show by members of BYC © WWF-Malaysia
A puppet show was performed by BYC members with the theme "Kerana Plastik Penyu Menjadi Mangsa” (Because of plastics, Turtles become victims). The children were so taken with the show and it was performed twice at their request. This further enhanced their understanding of the message. An exhibition was also held at the same time to emphasize the message through reading materials. Although some of them may not be able to read yet, the children liked and learned from the audio-visual learning activities. A quiz was carried out to test the knowledge and awareness among the children based on the puppet show and exhibition. For those who answered correctly - many of whom did - presents were given. The programme wrapped up with the Pakiring-kiring dance led by members of BYC.
The programme was conducted successfully with positive feedback from those who were present. With funding from WWF-Malaysia, BYC was given a free hand to conduct this programme, in their preparation for organizing future events.
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