Winning photo from the proposed TMP!
Written by: Angela Lim
Congratulations, Robecca! For having your photo of a baby dugong selected to be in the Top 10 of the worldwide photo contest by Frontlines, USAID’s newsletter.

The Kudat-Banggi PCA Team is proud to see this photo recognised as a clear reflection of the good conservation work done on the ground. Please visit ( to see the photo contest results.
Recap on the dugong release
Early morning on 15 December 2009, a rarely seen dugong was found in a net by a Bajau fisher within the marine sanctuary in Pulau Maliangin Kecil. It was taken to Pulau Banggi, after members of the newly formed Maliangin Island Community Association called for assistance. WWF Kudat-Banggi PCA Team, with advice from Sabah Wildlife Department, arranged for the dugong’s release back on the same afternoon.
The dugong was a female juvenile measuring 1.5 metres. This marine mammal is now an endangered and protected species, but sightings of it were common in the past within the proposed
After the dugong rescue and release, Robecca Jumin, then the team leader for WWF’s Kudat-Banggi PCA Project, said it was very encouraging that the local community reacted promptly by doing the right thing to inform the relevant authorities and help to release the dugong. It demonstrated that they are aware of the importance of protecting endangered species, such as the dugong, and that they believe in the benefits of a marine sanctuary. WWF wants to see continued support for the gazettement of the proposed
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